Open Knowledge Belgium

Bike Data Project

open data
civic tech
sustainable cities

Open bike data platform for and by cyclists. Making cyclists more visible & cities more liveable with open data.

Thanks to the data shared by citizens around the world, the Bike Data Project aims at showing where and when people ride their bicycles. The data gathered will help local communities and decision-makers make cycling and cities safer.

The project provides the opportunity to collect all cycling data from different applications into one platform, which is - based on the principle of open source and open data - adaptable and accessible by everyone to ensure it benefits society.

Ben Abelshausen

Technical lead

Email addressLinkedIntwitter

Manon Brulard

Community lead

Email addressLinkedIntwitter

Dries Van Ransbeeck

Project lead

Email addressLinkedIntwitter


Open knowledge Belgium VZW / asbl
Cantersteen 12
1000 Brussels
BE 0845 419 930

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